Shortly after arriving home from completing his sophomore year of college at Brown University, Evan Pittman headed north from Phoenix to the campus of Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff for a week to serve as a counselor to the delegates of Arizona Boys State class of 2019.

Evan’s duties include advising selected rising high school seniors from across Arizona on issues of politics, policy and legislation. Boys State and Girls State are summer leadership and citizenship programs sponsored by The American Legion and the American Legion Auxiliary for high school juniors.

“It’s great to be back up here with Boys State, and being able to give back to another class of future leaders,” Evan said.  Evan served as a delegate from Phoenix Country Day School in 2016; he stood for election seven times and ultimately served as president of the senate.

At Boys State, participants learn the rights, privileges and responsibilities of franchised citizens. The training centers on the structure of city, county and state governments. Operated by students elected to various offices, Boys State activities include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law-enforcement presentations, assemblies, and recreational programs.

During opening ceremonies, Evan sat in the audience while his father, retired Navy Rear Admiral Hal Pittman, delivered the opening keynote address to the 245 delegates, speaking about his own core values of honor, relationships and persistence.

After completing the week as a volunteer counselor, Evan heads to Dallas for his summer fellowship experience with AT&T.
